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Thoughts & Inspiration

Thursday Mornings

Once every month, I have been able to help out with some Adventures staff and fellow CGAers in a morning session at a local Middle School for their FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athlete). We get to go in and spend…

Meditating on the Word

      This past Monday I learned a neat little mediating tool to use that will help me in memorizing Bible verses but also speaking truth in myself. It also is an amazing way of praying a certain verse…

Flower Gleam and Glow

“Flower gleam and glow, Let your power shine, Bring back what once was mine.”             This is how my note started off in my Valentine’s Day card from one of the guys in CGA, who surprised all of the ladies…

Swimming in His Presence

       Every Monday everyone at Adventures in Missions meets for a worship session to start our week off together in worship. I have been looking forward to the staff worship every since I knew I was coming to…

Beauty in the Silence

The beginning of a new season with a new community and place is how this week started out. Welcome week for CGA started this past Monday and what came with it was handing in all of our technology, including devices…

Kingdom Investments

       When I was interviewing for CGA, they asked me what was one thing that I was nervous about and I knew exactly what that one thing was…fundraising again. The same feeling I had when I was first…

Why Georgia?

       Why am I moving to Georgia? Why am I doing support raising again for a program called CGA? These are questions I have found myself asking since coming home. It has been extremely hard being home because…

Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Stacie Wilson and I am 25 years old. I am born and raised in good ole Danville, Virginia, which is right on the border on Virginia and North Carolina. I graduated from Sweet Briar College with…