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Flower Gleam and Glow

“Flower gleam and glow,

Let your power shine,

Bring back what once was mine.”

            This is how my note started off in my Valentine’s Day card from one of the guys in CGA, who surprised all of the ladies of CGA with notes, chocolate, and flowers. The note continues to talk about how I am the Lord’s flower and that He wants me to glow with radiance and let His power shine through out my life. Ending with, ‘Be a window for people to see into our beautiful home in you.’ I absolutely loved what the Lord was saying to me because something I have been praying is that the Lord would shine so brightly in me that when someone looked at me they would see Him and that I wanted to shine so brightly for Him that I would be like a walking lantern bursting with His radiant love.

            Next thing I know we are in Leadership Track talking about listening prayer and we are doing an activity where there are pictures from a National Geographic laying out on the table and we were to look at the pictures and listen for the Lord to point one out to us for someone else. Well one of the girls got three pictures for me. Two of the pictures were someone standing in a dark environment and had just a ball of light around them and she said that the Lord was telling her how He and I have traveled through the darkness and how I carry His light with me and how I was like the person in each of the photos, having a ball of light surrounding me. But the final picture she showed me was one of a brightly light gold covered room and said how I am moving into a season where I will be like that room. That it would no longer just be a ball of light surrounding me but I would be like this brightly shining gold covered room, where the Lord just shines so brightly in and around me.

            When I heard this, I could not help but laugh because it went with what the Lord had already spoke to one of the guys about telling me and then now this girl. I love how the Lord answers our prayers through those around us and how He uses different people to speak to us. Since being here in Georgia, I have had the word radiance and such keep coming up and I know that it is one of the new words that is the focus of this new season the Lord has me in. I have been praying to be a bursting walking lantern for the Lord and this is something He is walking me into. It truly is one of my desires to be such a shining bright room, like the one in the picture, for the Lord. I want people to see the Lord shining through me and how He has been the light in my story. Man, our God is seriously so incredible and He continues to blow me away with how He pursues me everyday.