Why am I moving to Georgia? Why am I doing support raising again for a program called CGA? These are questions I have found myself asking since coming home. It has been extremely hard being home because I am reminded that I do not have a community here and it is not the place the Lord has called me to.
From the first moment I stepped onto Adventures Campus for training camp in October 2014, I just like I was at home and felt the presence of the Lord all around me. It was incredible to see and hear all about the community that Adventures had. Next thing I knew I was at Launch and hearing a little about this program called CGA (Center for Global Action) and I felt something inside me whispering about it. Then I boarded a plane to start the Race and found community in my team and squad. I had never experienced these kind of relationships and community before; I was surrounded by people who truly desired to know everything about me no matter what it was. People who really loved me for me and would call me out when I was not confident in myself. People who loved me so much that they called me to live higher and be more like Christ. It truly was such a blessing from the Lord and a foreshadowing to what was to come. Throughout the race I felt the Lord placing a desire in me for more community and for a place to help guide me into His calling for me. I had talked to my squad leaders and mentor about CGA and what they thought about it for me. After really praying and seeking the Lord for reasons I should go, I decided to just apply and see what would happen. Well shortly after sending them my information I was lined up for an interview. Next thing I know I was sitting on my hostel bed in Vietnam talking to someone for CGA and answering those crazy hard questions again. Three days later I received one of the best emails I could receive, I had been accepted and it was like I just felt a peace rushed over me about returning home.
The reason I am moving to Gainesville, GA for a year to do this crazy program called CGA is because the Lord has shown me what He has created me for. He has placed such a passion on my heart for the importance of community and creating a place like that for everyone around. The Lord has shown me how He wants me to open a coffee shop one day named Hebrews, based off the book of Hebrews and because He is what brews inside of all of us. He has told me how this coffee shop will look and how He wants it be to a place for anyone and everyone to come and find community. A place for there to be events to help give those a chance to show their passions and talents for the Lord. Also a place that anyone can come and sit down and have someone to talk to when they just need someone to listen to them. This was something the Lord spoke over me a long time ago but I just ignored and thought it would never be possible. But over this past year I have seen how nothing is impossible and when the Lord wants something to come to past He will make it happen and that I should never limit my dreams because He is the one who gives them to me.
So this is where CGA comes in to help me figure out how to walk in this passion and provide me with discipleship, an apprenticeship, and community to help me step into what the Lord has called me to. A place to help me grow further in my relationship with the Lord and be in a community where we choose each other and call each other into a higher life with the Lord. I cannot wait to be joining the CGA community on January 29th and walk into this new season the Lord has called me to. One of the hardest things about this is trusting in the Lord when it comes to finances. I can trust the Lord in every thing else but when it comes to money I have an extremely hard time in trusting the He will provide and to be honest I know that is one of the reasons He is calling me into support raising again because I need to learn how to give this mistrust up and learn to depend on Him in one of the hardest areas.
So what I am in need of right now is prayer that I would be able to set aside my worries and watch the Lord provide for me. I want to ask that you pray and ask the Lord about supporting me in this new season. I would love for you to be a part of my story and what the Lord is doing in me and using me for in the Kingdom. If you feel lead to support me you can donate on this site. Thank you in advance to all who support me and pray for me. I love you all so dearly and cannot tell you how much I appreciate each and everyone of you. May God pour blessings over you and your family.